Drumcondra Education Centre

Drumcondra Education Centre
Drumcondra Education Centre (DEC ) is one of a network of twenty one Education Support Centres established under
Section 37 of the Education Act 1998, Ireland to support the continuous professional development of all teachers in all
schools on the island of Ireland. DEC is run by an elected mangement committee of stakeholders, representative national
bodies and professionals.
Moreover, being on the same Campus as Dublin City University, with a long and renowned history of leading and
participating in EU partnerships, DEC has also been centrally and professionally involved in several EU projects such as,
'The Astronomical Space for Science' with Blackrock Castle Observatory, REBEL, 'the Repurposing of Education through Blended Learning
Erasmus+ Project managed by PDST TiE to support teachers in exploring how blended learning can support and enhance
their current practice and others.
With its new team of International consultants, former principals and expert advisors who have been intrinsically and
centrally involved in EU programmes and projects since the 1990s, the Director of DEC has gathered a team with significant
previous experience in running and leading such strategic EU partnerships from PLATO to ERASMUS+ KA2 to guide the
way forward for DEC, its schools, associate bodies and teachers as we embrace the challenges of a modern European